Project Results

The result of the partnership between the partner libraries is 3 intellectual products: the website (coordinator Vilnius County Adomas Mickevičius Library, Lithuania), a study and the guidelines on the topic of working with cultural heritage in public libraries. Different partner libraries were responsible for the development of different intellectual products, but all libraries that are participating in the project, have contributed to the creation of the project’s results.

Study: Libraries for Communities

One of the intellectual products of the project is the joint study “Libraries for Communities”, which was developed by the project partners (coordinator Vaggeryd Public Library, Sweden). The study aims to reveal why cultural heritage is important in adult education and how it can help to mobilize a local community. The topics discussed in the study include: the role of cultural heritage in a community’s life, libraries’ collaboration with other organizations and ways of communicating about local history. The second part of the study is rich with practical examples of work in the field of cultural heritage and adult education (developing games, virtual reality products, databases, etc.). The study is complimented by the experiences of the project partner libraries. It includes presentations, initiatives, events and services for different target groups within a community.
Download the study here: “Libraries for Communities.

8 Step Guidelines

Another intellectual product of the project is the joint guidelines “8 Steps to Unfold Followship and Community Engagement in Cultural Heritage” (coordinator Herning Library, Denmark). The methodology of the guidelines is primarily intended for professionals working in the field of cultural heritage and adult education, but it can also serve anyone who works with community involvement. The 8-step program will help you to discover, share and learn, along with your library’s community, the basic principles of professional development and activity planning, when working with cultural heritage, volunteers and adult audiences.
Download the guidelines here: “8 Steps to Unfold Followship and Onboarding for Community Engagement in Cultural Heritage.